Gala Convocation 2021: Celebration 3 of 7 – 24th June


It certainly has been a challenging year for our students, and for us. We have watched our worlds turn upside down. They have sacrificed much of their senior year and in some cases, lost any semblance of a normal school life.

So we made sure that one thing that will not be scaled down is the graduation ceremony. We understand our students have experienced highs and lows and developed a resilience many of us never thought possible. And no matter if it's in smaller numbers, our students’ graduation will surely be special. Regardless of the numbers, the essence of graduation 2021 is the same as every year.

On 24th June, we graciously welcomed a batch of 80 students along with their proud parents to witness this landmark celebration. Making the day extra special was the presence of Dr. Ahmad Bin Hezeem as the chief guest.

Dr. Ahmad was the former Director General of the Dubai Courts. He has over 24 years’ experience working in legal and judicial governmental institutions in Dubai.

His litigation experience is expansive, covering civil law, criminal law, family and private clients and breach of contracts. For nine years, he served at Dubai Police in various locations of law enforcement.

"As I was preparing to speak to you all today, I was reminded of the Mission and Vision of the school. To unite each of us towards a goal of creating proactive global citizens, you are evidence of the success of this role."
- Dr. Ahmad Bin Hezeem

Even in these unprecedented times, we are glad we could provide an opportunity for students to come together and celebrate. Coming back to campus has never been more exhilarating, for students and for us educators too.

All the best class of 2021!